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Cataract Chronicles-25 years

As I celebrate my 25th year volunteering as an eye surgeon in Southeast Asia. I am delighted to share photos and stories about the vision challenges and the people and cultures of India, Nepal, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.  - Dr. Gary Barth

Chronicle 17 - Inaugurating a Corneal Transplant Service in Western Nepal:  #2


The next series of three photographs shows Dr. Bidya Pant’s remarkable results on an Indian patient who traveled over the border to Nepal to obtain a corneal transplant. The first photo shows a permanently scarred blind right eye. The left eye was recently injured while working in a sugar cane field.  He has a painful central corneal fungal infection. 

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Medications do not cure large corneal fungi. Without a corneal replacement transplant, he was on track to lose his other eye and be permanently blind. 


A pertinent  Nepali adage: “A blind person is a mouth to feed.”

The next picture shows a corneal transplant performed the same day by Dr. Pant, on his first day ever of doing a corneal transplant. This picture was taken that same day, utilizing a corneal tissue I brought from California on a different patient. In this picture, the sixteenth sutures are easily seen holding the clear central.

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The last photograph shows the patient, Babu Ram, three weeks later.  The right eye is still permanently blind.  The left eye is comfortable, free of infection, and has a crystal clear California central cornea. 

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Truly this was an international success: American corneal tissue carried to Nepal for an Indian blind patient operated by a surgeon from Nepal.

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